Sunday, September 23, 2012


 Hello! Welcome to my new blog which I will  (fingers crossed) be faithfully updating to keep you all in the loop of my adventures in Paris and elsewhere.

With Love.


  1. Yay for beautiful pictures! Can't wait to read about the sights, sounds, and food... welcome to blogging!! :)

    1. I love the pictures and laughed like crazy when reading your blog about the dinner. Keep it up! You are an amazing writer. It brings back such great memories of my first days , months and years in France. Be sure to document all the differences you encounter. If you can put your hands on a book called "Almost French," you will relate more than you can imagine.
      Enjoy the journey; you'll never be the same!
      Hugs from your third grade teacher....where you learned to count in French. I look forward to hearing more!
      Mrs. Carol Fassnacht
